
・Man In The Mirror (Save Afrian with Song ) 5:02

Added December 18, 2006
From arthurkho
cut from Number Ones

・Saddam Hussein Hanging Released (graphic) (Silnt) 00:30

Added December 29, 2006
From video1478
See full footage at http://www.youtubevideo.pbw.

・Saddam Hussein Just Seconds Before He Was Hung (English) (CNN Live) 01:39

Added December 30, 2006
This Is Video Of The Last Moments Of Saddam Hussiens Life Before His Execution.

・The fall of a tyrant: Saddam Hussein (Story) 08:26

Added December 29, 2006
From sevenstripes
A compilation summarizing the fall of Saddam Hussein and his execution for crimes against humanity, responsible for the deaths of at least 350,000 innocent Iraqis.

・Saddam Hussein Executed (Live) 06:06

Added December 29, 2006
From averagejoeblogs
Reports of the execution of Saddam Husse Reports of the execution of Saddam Hussein.

・Saddam Hussein Executed BBC News (Not Death Video) 09:02

Added December 29, 2006
From paynex
Saddam Hussein Executed, BBC News capture.6AM GMT.

・Saddam Hussein Execution (Fake) 00:38

Added December 29, 2006
From jackking0ff
Execution by hanging of Saddam Hussien Forer PResident of Iraq convicted of crimes against humanity.

・REAL: Saddam's Hanging (Live & Song) 00:38

Added December 29, 2006
From yesteryearz
Saddam Hussein's Hanging on December 30th, 2006! Rejoice! http://www.eSellOut.com .
Category People
Tags Saddam Hussein Execution Hanging President Iraq George Bush USA United States

・Saddam Hussein's Hanging Execution (Live & Song) 03:07

Added December 29, 2006
From tenbucks1973
Saddams Execution: Death by Hanging to the song Mad World by Gary Jules. Created by http://www.GoofyAuctions.com.

・Saddam Execution Hanging Video - Dead Body (Live) 01:33

Added December 30, 2006
From empireburlesque
Provided By:
Atlantic Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times
Iraq http://www.atlanticfreepres...
Iraqi private television broadcast a grainy video showing the dead body of Saddam Hussein draped in a white shroud in the hours following his pre-dawn execution on Saturday.

Added: Dec 30 2006
In: News
By: darkhorse (1582.20)
Tags: saddam hussein body hanging execution
Views: 71218

・Saddam Hussein video - Sadam Hussain Execution (Live Hanging) 02:07

Added December 30, 2006
From videocaststudios
Watch Sadd http://husseinexecuted.info - Watch Saddam Hussein (Hussain) execution til the final moments.

・Saddam Hanging Video - CNN (Live Hanging) 01:01

Added December 30, 2006
From empireburlesque
Provided By:
Atlantic Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times
BAGH http://www.atlanticfreepres...
BAGHDAD, Iraq— Clutching a Quran and refusing a hood, Saddam Hussein went to the gallows before sunrise today, executed by vengeful countrymen after a quarter-century of remorseless brutality that killed countless thousands and led Iraq into disastrous wars against the United States and Iran.

・Saddam Hussein : The End of an Era (Live Hanging) 00:45

Added December 30, 2006
From WellnessFM
Provided By:
Wellness FM : Your Ultimate Online Inspiration Station !
Execution Slideshow : December 30th 2006.
All Rights Reserved : www.WellnessFM.com.

・Official Execution of Saddam? 00:20

Added December 29, 2006
From bigjeep27
Does this look real?

・Saddam Executed 12/29/06 EST 01:46

Added December 29, 2006
From ImgnNoLibs
Saddam Hussein executed 12-29-06 10:05pm EST.

・The Execution of Saddam Hussein (Animation)01:27

Added November 12, 2006
From Metalfist123
Hanging Saddam
Category Arts & Animation

・Saddam Hussein's Hanging **HOT** | TELEXTREME 00:47

Added December 29, 2006
From telextremeplus
Saddam Hussein's hanging + DEZ 29 2006
VIST MY SITE: www.telextremeplus.com.

・EastCoastBob JJ chokes on Live TV..MSNBC 03:36

Added December 29, 2006
From MisterClip
Anchor Chok http://www.eastcoastbob.com
Anchor Choking on Live TV..MSNBC
http://www.myspace.com/east... http://www.kiddshow.com JJ Ramberg is the anchors name
page hopkins fox news choked in the same manner
I recorded that also..find it here: http://www.eastcoastbob.com.
Category Comedy


・イベントで自分のおっぱいを揉んでいる。 (素バカですが) 01:08

Added December 12, 2006
From bounceoppai

・エロ司会者 (美女の着衣を剥ぎ取るどスケベ放送員) 00:25

Added December 15, 2006
From kurohagi2
放送中に女性の服は破いて脱がすは胸は揉�� �は、ウラヤマシイ.

・Angelina Jolie In Cyborg (乳房が踊る) 01:21

Submitted by:Break.com Staff
Posted:3 months ago Stats:
Views: 224835
This is a rather rare sex scene of Angelina Jolie. She is topless in the clip. We rated the movie 3.75 stars mainly cause we just cant get enough of Angelina.


・Imagine (John Lennon) 3:14

Added January 20, 2006
From Sethtann
Category Music

・Imagine - John Lennon (Live with the Lyrics) 03:02

Added October 23, 2005
From adg
John Lennon performs 'Imagine'
Category Music

『Imagine』John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try
No hell bellow us Above us only sky
Imagine all the people Living for today.........
想像してご覧よ 天国も無い世界を 考えてみれば
私たちの下には地獄も無く 上にはただ空があるだけ
すべての人々が 今日を生きてる

Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too
Imagine all the people Living life in peace.........
想像してご覧よ 国境も無い世界を それは難しいことではない
殺戮も死も無い世界 宗教も無いんだ
すべての人々が 平和に生きている

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us And the world be as one.
これは夢では無いんだ 私一人でもない
いつかは あなたも一緒に 世界を一つにしようよ

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people Sharing all the world..........
想像してご覧よ 所有の無い世界を あなたも出来るさ
欲張りも飢えることも無い 兄弟のように
すべての人びとが 世界を分け合うんだ

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us And the world be as one.
これは夢では無いんだ 私一人でもない
いつかは あなたも一緒に 世界を一つにしようよ

Will be as one Will be as one Will be as one.
一つに      一つに      一つの世界に

・Happy Xmas (War is Over) (With Animation)03:54

Added November 01, 2006
From dagameselite
Due to the success of my Halloween AMVs, I've decided to start extra early for the holidays. I lost track of all the anime I added to this one, so don't ask. The song is Happy Xmas (War is Over) by John Lennon.

・Happy Xmas (War Is Over) -- Sarah McLachlan 03:16

Added November 30, 2006
From kidd1802
Happy Xmas , Happy New Year & So Sweet V Happy Xmas !.

・happy x-mas (war is over) John lennon (with the Lylrics) 03:36

Added December 19, 2006
From Onixil
Happy X-mas by john lennon
An eye for a Happy X-mas by john lennon
An eye for an eye will make us all blind (Ghandi).
Happy Xmas(War is Over)

So this is Xmas  And what have you done
Another year over  And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas  I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one  The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas  And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one  Without any fear

And so this is Xmas  For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones  The world is so wrong
And so happy Xmas  For black and for white
For yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight

A very Merry Xmas  And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one  Without any fear  

And so this is Xmas  And what have we done
Another year over  A new one just begun  
And so happy Xmas We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one  The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas  And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it  
War is over now Happy Xmas



・funny referees (レフェリーはつらいよ) 01:04

Added June 19, 2006
From rsherrill
stupid referees
Category Sports

・Mayra Veronica - "Vengo Con To" 03:28

Added August 28, 2006
From vaughnjuares
Mayra Veronica's latest music video directed by Vaughn Juares. This video was shot in Miami and is HOT!.


・Good-bye, NAKATA (in Japanese) 03:43

Added July 10, 2006
From frryn021
An interview of footballer 〝 NAKTA 〟 that active play retired itself.
Category Sports

・Hidetoshi Nakata with girl (in Korean) 02:13

Added August 18, 2006
From namie88
What is it?Somebody help me?What happen in this video? I love Hide and japanese but I don't understand nothing!!!!^__^.
Category Sports

・中田英寿 1998 ペルージャvs.ユベントス 1/2 (1998) 09:47

Added July 03, 2006
From dddeco
1998年9月13日レナト・�� �ーリ
セリエAデビュー戦/記� ��会見~キックオフ(WOWOW ).

・Kylie Minogue "The Locomotion",and another 1 Video

Added June 11, 2006
From SaveFerris313
Kylie Minogue "The Locomotion"

・album version of The Loco-Motion 03:16

Added June 28, 2006
From KaneW
Here is a video i made for the album version of The Loco-Motion. I used all three of the Australian, US & European edits of the video.
デビュー3曲目の唄。1987年 Australia。Autralian、1968年生まれ。

・The World's Ugliest Dog, 2 Photo

World Ugliest Dog
Added: Nov 10 2006
In: Entertainment
By: salah.salvati (3986.36)
Tags: Ugly dog

・年度世界最丑的狗评选揭晓 最丑狗像外星人(图)

Ugliest Dog in China
[新闻综述] 06-23 21:11

  中新网6月24日电 世界上最丑的狗23日诞生了。今年的冠军得主是2岁的埃尔伍德(Elwood),它是一头中国冠毛犬和吉娃娃混种狗。

  据新加坡《联合早报》报道,埃尔伍德全身黑溜溜的,没有毛发,只有头上的一小撮白毛。由于样貌奇丑无比,酷似科幻片中的外星人,因此常被人称为 “ET”或“Yoda”(电影《星球大战》中绝地武士的精神领袖)。不过,对它的主人奎格利来说,埃尔伍德却是世界上最可爱的狗。





・Model Slip (あら大変!見えちゃった) 00:08

Added: Sep 25 2006
In: Entertainment
Tags: Humor Sexy Beauty Pageant Model Slip Bikini Contest Runway Video sexy
Model Slip
This beauty pageant contestant tries to score a few extra points with the judge!

・Sexy Girls Next Door (Magazine Playboy) 05:04

Playboy's Sexy Girls Next Door
Added: Oct 15 2006
In: Entertainment
By: Guest
Tags: Sexy Playboy Video TV Competition Naked Boobs Breasts Girls Next Door sexy

・Emily Proctor Gets Naked (18歳未満クリック禁止) 00:30

Added: Sep 29 2006
In: Entertainment
Tags: Movie Sexy Boobs Breasts Tits Emily Proctor Video sexy

・Vida Guerra 2006 Calendar Photo Shoot 01:13

Added: Nov 28 2006
In: Entertainment
By: salah.salvati (3986.36)
Tags: Sexy Vida Guerra Photo Shoot

・Anti-US propaganda from North Korea (Made by North Korea) 01:38

Added: Dec 9 2006
By: nWatcher (499.04)
Tags: north korea propaganda war

・Chick with an Amazing Talent (乳房を動かせる動く美女) 00:06

Added: Dec 3 2006
In: Entertainment
By: salah.salvati (3986.36)
Tags: Chick talent

・Taliban on the Run Marked ( ) 02:48

as: Mature
Parody of Mankinds Friends.....

Added: Nov 20 2006
By: Epistaxis (11.66)
Tags: Taliban Afganistan War Cult Al Quaeda Parody Funny Iraq Islam Global Jihad Murder execution

・organs are harvested from executed Chinese prisoners and sold on the black market

下賎な支那人 Beast Chinese

After many years of rumors that organs are harvested from executed Chinese prisoners and sold on the black market, confirmation of this practice is clearly coming to light from several sources. It is alleged that a special concentration camp has been set up by Chinese officials to house as many as 6,000 political prisoners in Sujiatun district of Shenyang city. News of the camp's existence broke on March 9 when a China-based journalist leaked his findings to The Epoch Times. The alleged facility is mainly an underground military base made from an air defense facility designed to house members of Falun Gong practitioners. A Chinese Journalist made the existence of this facility public earlier this month.In another case, years ago, a Chinese military physician, Dr. Wang Guoqi testified before the US Congress in June of 2001 about how he removed organs from 100 executed prisoners, and in one instance, was required to remove skin from a shot prisoner while he was still alive for use in a burn victim. Chinese prisoners The existence of the company offering human organs was made public by an online news service. According to the article, the company brokers human kidneys obtained from executed prisoners, at a price of £23,000 ($40,000). The company states: ‘A cadaveric kidney comes from a dead person and in the majority of cases in China, the dead people are prisoners, which allows for us to know at least two weeks ahead of time when the kidney will be ready.’ According to the company, prisoners give the consent and are told that their families will receive money for their donation. It is also alleged that in China, at various hospitals and other places, graffiti written on walls that offer kidneys and other organs with telephone numbers and the price. A UK magazine did an undercover investigation and had a reporter pose as a patient and was offered a Kidney transplant for $40,000 from Guangzhou’s Air Force Military Hospital. The investigation found the middleman in the deal keeps $12,000 to $15,000 while the rest goes to the hospital. In another UK publication, The Independent, a case of a wealthy Japanese businessman is presented. Kenichiro Hokamura's needed a kidney transplant when his kidneys failed. The waiting list for a kidney in Japan is very long and the prospect was he would die waiting for a donor. He elected to contact a Japanese broker in China. Ten days after contacting a Japanese broker he was on an operating table in a Shanghai hospital receiving a new kidney. "It was so fast, I was scared," he said. The "e-donor" was an executed man; the price: 6.8m yen (about £33,000). "It was cheap," adds Mr. Hokamura, now back in Japan. "I can always earn more money." According to The Independent, a recovering Mr. Hokamura stated: "My translator said my donor was a young executed prisoner, the donor was able to provide a contribution to society so what's wrong with that?" Ogrish Report : Zyber
Added: Mar 22 2006
By: Eric Blacktail (10.00)
Tags: ogrish

・Shosei Koda Beheading Video (警告:超級残酷動画=香田首切り実況動画) 00:51

厳重警告! 超残酷動画 / Beheading! 以下のURLをクリックすると瞬時に動画スタート。
Risk by own.
NOTE: This media item was rejected for public listing.
当該資料は、すでに削除済み (061212)。
Shosei Koda Beheading Video (Downloadable) Marked as: Rejected, Mature, Graphic, Repost
Added: Nov 2 2004
By: Eric Blacktail
Download the Shosei Koda Beheading

Another One of Video:
Shosei Koda Beheading Video (2004-11-02)

The above Video is against human right,does't go in a public.Mail to us if somebody want URL.
上のVideo Embedは人権侵害に相当。ここでは公開出来ません。個人使用でURL希望のかたはMailにて当Blog管理者へ問い合わせ。

Al-Zarqawi's group claims responsibility for Japanese hostage's death.
The video is about 3 minutes long (about 3 MB) and is available unedited.

The militant group led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi claimed responsibility in a Web posting Tuesday for the beheading of a Japanese backpacker and claimed Japan had offered millions of dollars in ransom to free him. Japanese officials denied offering a ransom.

Koda, 24, was killed by an Islamist group which had threatened to slay him unless Japan pulled out its 550 troops operating in Iraq -- a demand rejected by Tokyo.

His head and decapitated body with bound hands and feet were found wrapped in a US flag Saturday in Baghdad. Koda was the first Japanese national killed in Iraq amid a wave of kidnappings.

The remains of Shosei Koda, left Kuwait Tuesday for home aboard a commercial flight, a spokesman for the Japanese embassy said.

I would like to point out that bullies cannot be appeased. Islamic fanatics, if they had the choice, would behead anyone who disagree with them... regardless of where you live. A good example is Salman Rushdie who still lives in hiding because he wrote a book that the Iranian fanatic government disagrees with. A better example is Dutch Filmmaker Theo Van Gogh who was murdered today for his anti Islamic movie.
Share your thoughts Post a Comment

Posted by Anonymous on 2007-03-08 04:17:07
Shosei Koda, RIP. May your soul find peace. This will not go un- punished!
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-02-20 01:54:32
You know not awaits you for these acts, it scares me thinking about your fate. God forgive you.
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-02-12 05:10:40
whatever it may be.its background music is nice.where can i download it? fuck americans fuck.fuck muslims as well.
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-02-13 20:59:43
fuck islam. fuck anyone who follows a religion that advocates the beheading of innocent people. i said it, fuck islam. for the people who dont believe me, FUCK ISLAM.
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-02-11 22:28:12
i,i, i, dont know whats true anymore priests turning gay,molesting kids now this, we just have to wait and see whats god decision in the life after...
Posted by KRISTINA on 2007-02-14 15:57:06
The decision of God...Will be sending us all to Hell...
For the most part of us forgot where we had come from,and who gave us life!!!This is now a fuckin` crazy world,where the worst monsters take the place of God.
I mean,these fuckin` lunatics think they are God!!!This is disgusting!
For me,Shosei Koda was a very brave man.
Posted by U.S.A on 2007-01-25 19:35:45
Fuck U- We're comin for u!
RIP Koda
Posted by U.S.A on 2007-01-25 19:35:45
Fuck U- We're comin for u!
RIP Koda
Posted by KRISTINA on 2007-01-20 14:40:00
They say "Islam is love..."-Yeah,right...If Islam is love...What did they do to Shosei?!So,is this love?Is this the concept they have about love???Depriving Shosei of having dignity,and killing him?!But what the fuck do they think they are???God?Those motherfuckers should be killed,in the same way they killed Shosei:BEHEADED!!!Honestly,people,like them shouldn`t be born!!!Fuck those fanatic bastards!!!They are worse than animals!GOD BLESS YOU,SHOSEI!REST IN PEACE!
Posted by Michael Rosenthal on 2007-01-14 12:31:07
That's right kids... Islam, the religion of peace and tolerance.
Posted by Patrick Cook on 2007-01-08 10:26:42
One word: Enlist.
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-12-31 20:04:44
These guys are dispicable. They deserve to rot in hell. How can someone do such a gruesome act? RIP
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-12-31 17:42:03
Please,please,please let me be the one who will gut these sub-human alive with the camera rolling!
Posted by chris on 2006-12-30 20:49:59
these guys are sick, they deserve more than capitol punishment
Posted by Alec on 2006-12-30 05:14:28
I hope all Muslim piece of shit will burn in Hell. Religion of peace?
We have to kill \'em all. Glad to know that Saddam died as a fucking dog.
Posted by charles on 2006-12-08 10:19:03
u terrorist basterds will get whats coming to u
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-10-14 22:20:07
sick basterds. i hope they all burn in hell.

Another News;
Captors urged to set Japanese free
Japan's Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura has urged the captors of Shosei Koda in Iraq to set him free.
Photo caption:『Shosei Koda's captors want Japan to pull out from Iraq』

In an interview to Aljazeera's correspondent in Tokyo on Wednesday, he said, "Koda is a civilian who has nothing to do with the Japanese government or the troops in Iraq.

"Therefore, on behalf of the Japanese people, I call for the release of Shosei Koda."

Machimura said "for many years, Japan has actively cooperated in building Iraq, including the building of schools and hospitals".

Nation surprised
The Japanese foreign minister cited the example of the "conference to rebuild Iraq that was held in Tokyo two weeks ago, in which 53 countries and four international organisations participated".

Photo caption:『Japan's troop contingent polices a peaceful stretch of the south』

Machimura told Aljazeera "the Japanese people were surprised (by Koda's capture) and they hope he will be released as soon as possible".

Saying that a lot of nations are friendly towards Japan, he said, "We've asked our ambassadors in many countries to help in releasing the Japanese captive."

At the same time he said, "We will continue our support to build the Iraqi government. We send aid to the Iraqi people. They are human beings in the first place and that is the main reason behind our presence in Samawa [in southern Iraq]".

Death threat
Earlier, on Tuesday, Jordanian fugitive Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al-Qaida Organisation of Holy War in Iraq group said it was giving Japan 48 hours to withdraw its troops from Iraq "or this infidel will meet the same fate as ... the other infidels".

"Koda is a civilian who has nothing to do with the Japanese government or the troops in Iraq"

Nobutaka Machimura,Japan's Foreign Minister

A video posted on a website often used by the group showed Koda, with long hair and a thin beard, seated in front of three masked men and a black banner bearing the group's name.

Japan has sent about 550 non-combat troops to southern Iraq to carry out what it calls humanitarian and reconstruction work.

Demand rejected
Koda, 24, whose family comes from Fukuoka in southern Japan, has appealed to Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to save his life by meeting the demand of his captors" the withdrawal of the [Japanese] Self-Defence Force contingent.

Photo caption:『The Iraq deployment move was opposed by many Japanese』

But Koizumi said on Wednesday he will not withdraw troops from Iraq.

"We cannot tolerate terrorism and we will not give in to terrorism," Koizumi said. "We will not withdraw the Self-Defence Force."

The incident is a political challenge for Koizumi, who decided to send Japanese troops to Iraq despite strong public opposition.

Distraught family
On the diplomatic front, Foreign Minister Machimura telephoned interim Iraqi prime minister Iyad Allawi on Wednesday to ask for help to win Koda's release and was told action had already been taken, the Japanese foreign ministry said in a statement. No details were given.

Also, according to Aljazeera's Tokyo correspondent, Japan's deputy foreign minister has left for Jordan's capital Amman as a first step in an attempt to seek Koda's freedom.

For their part, Koda's family has written to Koizumi and Machimura, asking for help to secure his release.

『"As his parents, we are hoping that our second son, who left in high spirits, will return in high spirits"
Masumi Koda,father of Soshei Koda』

"As his parents, we are hoping that our second son, who left home in high spirits, will return in high spirits," Koda's father Masumi said.

In the dark
Koda's family has told Japanese public broadcaster NHK that he had gone abroad in January and started a working holiday in New Zealand in July. They had not been told of his trip to Iraq.

Koda's mother Setsuko, wiping tears from her eyes, said: "What will they get by killing my young son?"

Media reports said Koda was working at a hotel in Amman and had taken a bus to Iraq last week despite being warned not to by colleagues.

However, al-Qaida Organisation of Holy War in Iraq, which is holding Koda, said the Japanese worked with his country's forces in Iraq.

Source: Aljazeera + Agencies

・Eating Dog Marked 05:44

as: Mature, Graphic
Added: Nov 26 2006
In: Entertainment
By: Wanker-boy (1076.58)
Tags: Gross dog wtf
Views: 5129
Votes: 1
Comments: 13
How much is that doggie in the window (per pound)? This is pretty gross.

・Ali baba (Warning:With Prejudice,Very Funny) 01:33

Marked as: Featured

Added: Dec 8 2006
In: Entertainment
By: Wanker-boy (1076.58)
Tags: Alibaba funny lilttle man
Views: 30779
Votes: 1
Comments: 47
A really funny clip, don't know if its arabic

・Reporter shot and killed in Mexico 02:30

Added: Dec 8 2006
By: Gericsson (164.50)
The last 80 seconds in the life of US reporter Bradley Roland Will killed during taping of a riot between armed gun men and protesters in Oaxaca, Mexico.

・a Hostage will Killed in Chechen (Warning:Just Click Starting to Ultra Cruelty Scene) 00:19

Click as below & jump to Video-site.
いきなり首切実況動画が始まる。クリック厳重注意!!Risk by Own.

いきなり首切りの実況画面が出る、厳重注意 全00:19

・a Korean Hostage will Killed in Iraq (Warning:Ultra Cruelty) 03:49

Click as below & jump to WMV Video-site.
・Live Beheading a S.Korean Hostage in Iraq, Very Terrible Scene
Ultra 残酷につきクリック注意!!
Risk by Own.
『韓国人首切り動画 イラクにて、2004年』
首切りの実況場面はVideo Start02:40経過後から、Total Footage length:03:49。

・a Hostage will Killed in Iraq (Warning:Ultra Cluelty) 05:37

Click as below & jump to WMV Video-site.
Ultra 残酷につきにクリック注意!!Risk by own.

『イラク首切り動画 2004年』
動画Start 04:20経過後から首切り実況 全05:37


・THE GANDY DANCER'S BALL - Frankie Laine 02:07

Added October 29, 2006
From littleshoemaker
A top 20 sheet music hit in Britain. From the Parisian leg of Laine's 1954 World Tour.

・Frankie Valli & The 4 Seasons - Dawn (Go Away) 2 Videos

Added November 01, 2006
From xyzmikey
A Very Good Live Version Of The Classic 1964 Top 10 Song. This Clip Is From The Early 1980's When Frankie Could Still Hit The High Notes Pretty Well.

Added October 03, 2006
From MikeyD53
Frankie Valli & The 4 Seasons singing 'December 1963 (Oh, What A Night)' in the studio.

・The Four Seasons: Joe Long on Bass & Back-Up Vocals 02:34

Added November 13, 2006
From drmstout
Joe Long is the only member of the Four Seasons not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Despite his extensive contributions to The Four Seasons, Joe Long remains the only member of the group's "definitive line up" not inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, most likely because he was not one of groups "founders" in 1962. Much controversy still exists over this questionable decision, especially in light of the many top-10 hits the group had during his tenure.

・Johnny Cymbal - Mr. Bass Man 01:52

Added December 04, 2006
From lowlights
Johnny Cymbal, at 1980 Writers in the Round, sings his 1960 hit "Mr. Bass Man." As it was 1980, we must forgive the mullet.

・Johnny Tillotson - Poetry in motion 02:16

Added November 11, 2006
From chary131151
La conocimos a principios de los 60 por el Dúo Dinámico como "Poesía en movimiento".
Tags Clásicas Años 60s nostalgia

・Final Fantasy 8 - Poetry In Motion (Johnny Tillotson) (Animation)02:29

Added June 15, 2006
From MrRomanticSmartGuy
Final Fantasy 8 feat. "Poetry In Motion" (Johnny Tillotson)
To live in celibacy must not mean that you can't admire women. *g*.
Tags Final Fantasy

・Helen Shapiro - "Sometime Yesterday" another 2 Video

Added November 26, 2006
From chriscanary
Helen Shapiro sings "Sometime Yesterday" from some 1960s british teen/rock n'roll film.

Added November 26, 2006
From chriscanary
British singer sings My Guy

Added December 05, 2006
From snapshotofmountain
music / helen shapiro - till i hear the truth from you.

・Ricky Nelson - Young World 01:46

Added June 22, 2006
From redhaio
Ricky performs Young World

・Ricky Nelson - Hello Mary Lou 02:02

Added May 29, 2006
From redhaio
Ricky Nelson video clip.

・Lesley Gore 02:19

Added September 18, 2006
From lovesretro
Lesley Gore singing "Hey Now"

・Kiss Me Sailor - Diane Renay with Eddie Rambeau (Navy Blue) 03:45

Added June 20, 2006
From Tuggle
Diane Renay and Eddie Rambeau perform a duet on her sixties hit.
Tags Diane Renay 60s

・台視 鄧麗君專輯 1977 ~~ English medley (Speedy Gonzalez Etc.) 06:00

Added July 21, 2006
From stunningnuts
Teresa sings a English medley; songs from the 60s. Really nice.
Pat Boone - Speedy Gonzalez
Engelbert Humperdinck - Oh Carol
Cascades - Listen To The Rhythm Of The Falling Rain
Kathy Linden - Heartache At Sweet Sixteen
Eddie Hodges - I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door
Connie Francis - Lipstick On Your Collar.

・Shirley Bassey & Eydie Gorme: Watch What Happens 01:04

Added November 20, 2006
From nouhcs52
This short duet is part of a medley, sung in Cannes, France, in 1982, along with Jack Jones, Vic Damone and other great performers. When two giant singers meet, "watch (and listen) what happens"!.
Tags Shirley Bassey Eydie Gorme

・Eydie Gorme and Trio Los Panchos - 1964 05:58

Added October 12, 2006
From MusicOnTV
Eydie sings some tunes from her hit album she just recorded with the legendary Trio Los Panchos.
Tags Eydie Gorme Trio Los Panchos

・Eydie Gorme hauls off and belts "Johnny One Note" - 1959 02:38

to MusicOnTVAdded September 24, 2006
From MusicOnTV
Check out this fantastic vocal combined with an exciting arrangement... this is probably still reverberating out in space somewhere... this is a black and white kine of a color program - can you imagine how it must've looked and sounded when it aired live?!.
Tags Eydie Gorme

・Mina & A. Celentano _ Parole parole _ 1972 02:25

Added November 05, 2006
From swan5043
Parodistic interpretation of this popu Parodistic interpretation of this popular duet with Mina taking on the speaking role whereas Adriano Celentano sings Mina's original musical phrases with an intentionally ironical text .
At the words " caramelle non ne voglio più" " don't want anymore sweets" , he takes off his pocket a handful of sweets and throws them away.
Tags mina mazzini adriano celentano ferrio lupo alberto parole

・rita pavone (Medley) 04:01

Added October 11, 2006
From nico2203
cuore e datemi un martello live on stage 1960s.
Tags rita pavone cuore datemi un martello stage1960s

・Sanremo 69 Rita Pavone (Zucchero) 03:19

Added November 09, 2006
From dg290659
Rita Pavone-Zucchero
Tags sanremo 69 Rita Pavone

・Bobby Solo "Una lacrima sul viso" 1964 (ほほにかかる涙),another 1 Video

Added November 16, 2006
From skorpion2006
Beautiful classic song, eliminated with scandal in Sanremo Festival 1964 cause Bobby sang it in playback against competition's rules, but bestseller that year: 1.700.000 copies in Italy, record!
Here from a TV show in 1964.
Gigliola Cinquetti and Francoise Hardy watch Bobby's exhibition.
________________"Una lacrima sul viso"___
"Da una lacrima sul viso
ho capito molte cose
dopo tanti tanti mesi
ora so cosa sono per te.
Una lacrima e un sorriso
m'han svelato il tuo segreto
che sei stata innamorata di me
ed ancora lo sei.
Non ho mai capito
non sapevo che - che tu, che tu
tu mi amavi ma, - come me,
non trovavi mai
il coraggio di dirlo, ma poi...
Quella lacrima sul viso
è un miracolo d'amore
che si avvera in questo istante per me
che non amo che te."

Tags bobby solo una lacrima sul viso italy italia 1964 canzone italiana

Added November 09, 2006
From dg290659
Bobby solo-Zingara
The winner song that Bobby solo-Zingara
The winner song that year.
Tags sanremo 69 Bobby solo zingara

・Clif Richard - live ( by vilas boas ) 04:35

Added November 23, 2006

・Little Anthony and the Imperials sing Hurt So Bad 1965 02:22

Added November 20, 2006
From azstheman
From 1965-1966, NBC aired the variety show "Hullabaloo". In this 1965 clip, Little Anthony and the Imperials perform their smash hit "Hurt So Bad".
Tags Hullabaloo Little Anthony and

・Diana Ross & Supremes - Stop In The Name Of Love 02:47

Added July 25, 2006
From RudeGirl09
Diana Ross & Supremes - Stop In The Name Of Love
Música de los años 60's 70's.
Tags northern soul

・Joanie Sommers - Don't Pity Me 02:49

Added July 28, 2006
From innercalm
Classic clip (1965), this is particularly brilliant as she is singing a live vocal over the instrumental backing track. Have done in fairly low quality as it's just a test.

・Woo Wop Del Vikings - whispering bells 02:32

Added October 11, 2006
From Christkindl
live 00
Tags doo wop del vikings whispering bells

・Del Shannon - Runaway (1965) (Near Original)02:15

Added June 30, 2006
From ylv677
Del Shannon - Runaway (1965)

・Brian Hyland - Sealed with a kiss 1962 02:26

Added March 16, 2006
From chopwin
Video for Brian Hyland's version of Sealed with a kiss from 1962.
Tags brian hyland sealed kiss sixties oldies

・Connie Francis - Mama (Live) 03:10

Added November 08, 2006
From lantam

・Connie Francis - stupid cupid, lipstick on your collar 05:12

Added November 08, 2006
From lantam

・Connie Francis - Who's Sorry Now 02:34

Added June 02, 2006
From redhaio
Connie Francis performs.
Tags connie francis whos sorry now

・Little Eva - the Locomoton 02:14

Added October 24, 2006
From Christkindl
colour clip

・Loco-Motion (Song by Little Eva) 02:17

Added October 02, 2006
From yjonesy
Lyric Only.
Nice Blu Screen With The "Loco-Motion" lyric!

・Kylie Minogue - The Loco-Motion (Live In Majorca) 02:50

02:50Added May 01, 2006
From KaneW
An old Kylie performance in Majorca, Spain in 1988.

・Pop & Politics in the 20th Century 06:20

Added October 04, 2006
From koyannq
For hire as music video editor---kiowa2006@yahoo.com
People, places, bombs, politicians, dancers, cars, swing, military, nuclear, girls, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, reagan.

・ALMA COGAN Hello Young Lovers 02:36

Added September 13, 2006
From AlmaCogan
Hello Young Lovers

・ALMA COGAN Dixie Melody 02:14

Added September 13, 2006
From AlmaCogan
Dixie Melody

・In the middle of the house by Alma Cogan 02:08

Added October 21, 2006
From 78MAN
Released by His Master's Voice in 1956

・I can't tell a waltz from a tango by Alma Cogan 02:25

Added September 05,2006
From 78MAN
Released by His Masters Voice in 1954

・ALMA COGAN - Got'N Idea 02:51

Added October 29, 2006
From littleshoemaker
Alma sings her single Got'N Idea in glorious Technicolour. Taken from the Eric Winstone Bandshow.


・Irak Falluja urban combat nov04 2006 01:25

Irak Falluja urban combat nov04
��������� warriorspain

Irak Falluja urban combat nov04 irak iraq war fallujah marines terrorist terrorista juba warrior guerra ied attack emboscada soldiers
放映時間 01:25|取得日 16 noviembre 2006|ロケーション スペイン


・Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 5 05:32

Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 5


・Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 3 09:23

Added September 01, 2006
From USAon3
Five years after the September 11th terrorist attacks - a chronicle of flights 11, which hit the North tower of the World Trade Center, and 175, which slammed into the South tower as the world watched on live television.

Includes stories from flight controllers in Boston and NYC as the horror unfolds, as well as pilots of military jets scrambled to attempt to intercept the flights, and relatives of people aboard the flight and their calls to their loved ones.

May we never forget the souls of the innocents who perished in this atrocious act of war against America.
Category News & Blogs

・Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 4 05:38


・Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 2 09:00

Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 2

Added September 01, 2006
From USAon3
Five years after the September 11th terrorist attacks - a chronicle of flights 11, which hit the North tower of the World Trade Center, and 175, which slammed into the South tower as the world watched on live television.

Includes stories from flight controllers in Boston and NYC as the horror unfolds, as well as pilots of military jets scrambled to attempt to intercept the flights, and relatives of people aboard the flight and their calls to their loved ones.

May we never forget the souls of the innocents who perished in this atrocious act of war against America.
Category News & Blogs

・Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 1 07:09

Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 1

Added September 01, 2006
From USAon3
Five years after the September 11th terrorist attacks - a chronicle of flights 11, which hit the North tower of the World Trade Center, and 175, which slammed into the South tower as the world watched on live television.

Includes stories from flight controllers in Boston and NYC as the horror unfolds, as well as pilots of military jets scrambled to attempt to intercept the flights, and relatives of people aboard the flight and their calls to their loved ones.

May we never forget the souls of the innocents who perished in this atrocious act of war against America.
Category News & Blogs

・Flight 175 - As the World Watched Pt 6 05:02


・Zero Hour (the Nuclear Bomb Explode) 07:05

Added October 09, 2006
From Riotshoes
Provided By:
Heres another video I started and finished within an hour. If you like explosions, you'll probably like this :) Enjoy.
Category Science & Technology

・911 Tribute (NYC WTC) 03:31

Added September 08, 2006
From x3nickiii93
This is a 911 tribute for the victims and the friends and family of the victims. It's almost 9/11/06 so I wanted to mkae a tribute. This is my first please don't be to harsh

・guillotine (首がちょん切られる怖い情景)00:17

Added May 09, 2006
From gegg
Provided By:
Guinevere Haute Couture
french guillotine execution public beheaded death penalty.
Category Science & Technology

・9 11 (NY WTCの悲劇) 02:55

9 11

Added July 28, 2006
From djcookster22
9 11 5 years on
Category News & Blogs

・UFO Mexican Air Force Chase UFOs 03:12

UFO Mexican Air Force Chase UFOs

Added April 10, 2006
From chemkook
Probably the one of the best chase scenes of a UFO ever recorded. This happened on March 5, 2004 and was broadcast on TV around the world. The video was taped over the Campeche region at around 11,480 feet. At least one crew member testified in a videotaped interview that the objects encircled the military jet at a distance of at least two miles. The pilots spotted the objects while conducting a routine drug-surveillance mission. Only three of the objects showed up on the plane's radar. Infrared equipment can only detect heat emanating from objects. It is unable to provide an image of the objects' exact forms. Defense Secretary Gen. Ricardo Vega Garcia gave the videotape to UFO specialist Jaime Maussan.

Maussan claimed the videotape was evidence that flying saucers exist. The video was especially significant since it was provided by the military, he said. "This is historic news," Maussan said. "Hundreds of videos [of UFOs] exist, but none had the backing of the armed forces of any country. ... The armed forces don't perpetuate frauds."

But Vega denied Wednesday that the military had made any conclusions about where the lights came from or whether they were UFOs.

"This is Maussan's point of view, for that reason he was given [the video] so that he could draw his own conclusions," Vega told W Radio. "But that is his version." Vega said he decided to release the videotape to the scientific community for study after determining it did not pose a threat to national security.

・Mi-28 Havoc (with Good Music Mission Impossible X) 02:06

Mi-28 Havoc

Added March 07, 2006
Ok I've been pretty lazy to update this video description but apparently I've been given so much bullcrap by noobs who doesnt even know the difference between a cold war era MI-24 and the latest MI-28 Havoc attack helicopter which recently was introduced in 1997 of its first prototype. And also, Iraq never did possess the HAVOC because this helicopter was built after the Gulf war.
Russian made Mi-28 attack helicopter. The armor, engine and weapon system considered the best up to today. What stands out the most about this HELO is its armor, it can withstand a direct impact by 7.62mm and 12.7mm bullets and 20mm shell fragments, lol an Apache was shot down with a 7.62mm AK-47 in Iraq btw. Weapon layouts consist of the Ataka anti tank beam riding missile with 8 km range and a penetration of 1000mm of armor and also up to 20 80mm unguided rockets. The helicopter is equipped with a turreted 2A42 30mm cannon, stabilised in two axes, with a muzzle velocity of 1,000m/s. The Russians didn' design this Helo to look cute and fancy, but only to built to be highly effective in warfare, its armor was said to be among the very best, like a tank with wings lol.

The MI-28 Havoc is a day/night attack helicopter, many gets it mix up with the MI-24 troop transport helicopter so guys pleace get your facts right and stop thinking this is the MI-24 which it is NOT!

And to the uneducated ones who downplays this helicopter I suggest you take a look at this link for further details of the Havoc attack helicopter.

・Big Explosions 02:27

Big Explosions

Added May 09, 2006
From drpsionic
Things blowing up from Trinity and Beyond and Atomic Filmakers.

・How not to land a helicopter (Marine Accident) 00:46

How not to land a helicopter

Added March 23, 2006
From caffa
Provided By:
Caffavision - Does excatly what it says on the label!
This video was shot whilst conducting Navy battle drills in the gulf.
I hope the pilot is ok?.

・Plant opening (不思議な植物 何だろう?) 00:22

Plant opening

Added October 09, 2006
From thomasclarke
This is a time lapse film of a plant opening. It is a special type of fern that can live dormant without water, where it curls up in to a ball to be blown around deserts. Upon finding water, it expands and turns green.

・(サッカー) 中田英寿 地を這うスーパーショット 00:29

投稿日:2006-11-19 08:55:47


・This is Korean traditional dance...very ugly.(もう一度見てみよう) 03:02

Added June 17, 2006
From ChungMongKoo85
This is Korean traditional dance. They are dancing mimicking physically handicapped persons' behavior, and they make spectators laugh. The prejudice to the physically handicapped person has been very cruel. This dance is the one that Korean national characters are symbolized. I have never seen such an ugly dance like this. After the annexation of South Korea in Japan of 1910, this dance was prohibited once by Japanese Government for the reasons of non-humane. After South Korea became independent of Japan in 1945, this ungy dance was revived again.

・大阪鶴見区 中国人違法露天商が大暴れ 地域住民の苦悩 2 (後半から日本人は中国に迷惑を掛けたろ) 04:55

大阪鶴見区 中国人違法露天商が大暴れ 地域住民の苦悩 2

Added December 04, 2006
From yuugekishu
「お前等日本人は中国 に迷惑� 「お前等日本人は中国 に迷惑を戦時中かけただろ」.

・大阪鶴見区 中国人違法露天商が大暴れ 地域住民の苦悩 1 04:37

大阪鶴見区 中国人違法露天商が大暴れ 地域住民の苦悩 1

Added December 04, 2006
From yuugekishu
「火を点けるぞと脅された」 「火を点けるぞと脅された」「此処で大便をしてい く」.


・Worm (気持ち悪い虫を引っこ抜く手術) 00:31

Added August 12, 2006
From fonprikoll
most disgusting video to hit YouTube yet. Actual footage of a solitair worm in a person's bowels.
Category Science & Technology

・Tetra Vaal (Third World Robocop) (ロボットが現実世界) 01:20

Added July 04, 2006
From fabiangonzalez
What if...
This video features a newl What if...
This video features a newly developed robotic cop patrolling the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa. Well, not really.
This is actually a spec corporate video created by Neill Blomkamp of The Embassy Digital Effects Inc. for a fictional company named Tetra Vaal.
It is one of the best digital effects that I've seen in a long time. Enjoy.

・Cocoon (Music Box) (不思議な音楽) 03:06

Added July 17, 2006
From hebertvs
Björk Cocoon Music Box

・Bjork on Johnny Vaughan Show 09:53

Added April 26, 2006
From Neonhunter
Bjork appears on a talk show to discuss her Vespertine album and Iceland.
Category Entertainment
Tags Bjork Iceland Johnny Vaughan Vespertine

・Bjork Cocoon (乳房から赤い糸がどんどん出てくる奇妙な動画) 04:33

Added October 12, 2006
From vokuro85
Cocoon Music Video