
・Milano, torna la calma a Chinatown (イラリア・ミラノの唐人街の害虫) 02:21

・Scontri polizia-cinesi in via Paolo Sarpi Milano 12/04/2007 04:06
04:06(Delete Video).
Added April 12, 2007
From ildeboscio
Provided By:ildeboscio
Scontri con la polizia in via Niccolini a Milano

・Milano, torna la calma a Chinatown 02:21
Il giorno dopo gli scontri fra forze dell'ordine e la comunità cinese, a Milano è tornata la calma nella Chinatown cittadina. Il prefetto si è fatto promotore di un incontro tra le parti interessate. Intanto da Pechino giunge la reazione ufficiale: "la Cina", si legge in una nota diffusa del ministero degli Esteri "si augura che l'Italia risolva con equilibrio i problemi sorti con gli incidenti".

・Come "battere" i Cinesi - Paolo Sarpi MILANO 02:02

Added April 12, 2007
From sanghiz
China town in rivolta
for your references;
・反中笑話:猪都笑了/ブタはみんな笑った (ケイさん中文語録)。
・笑話:猪都受不了/ブタも我慢できない臭さ (ケイさん中文語録)。

・CHINESE TROUBLED MILAN CITIZENS, "Vada di nuovo al china!" (in Italian) 00:44

Added April 13, 2007
From rabota2006
イタリア・ミラノ市民大迷惑、交通違反の中国人が、警官を殴り暴 動に発展
A... イタリア・ミラノ市民大迷惑、交通違反の中国人が、警官を殴り暴動に発展。
ANSA通信によると、イタリア・ミラノの中国人街で12日、 交通違反で摘発された中国人女性が警官に抵抗したことをきっかけに、周辺の中国人店主 ら200-300人と警官隊のもみ合いに発展、双方にけが人が出て5人が救急車で 運ばれた。
ミラノでは中国人の数が過去約20年で激増。中国人街の道路が混雑し、 警察当局が最近、取り締まりを強化していた。

レプブリカ紙によると、違法駐車をし、商品の積み降ろしをして反則切符を 切られた女性が、女性警官に殴りかかり、すぐに中国人が集まって抗議を始めた。 一部は路上の車をひっくり返し気勢を上げた。 現場に駆け付けた中国外交官は「この2カ月間、中国人は強い圧力を受けており、 今日の出来事は偶然ではない」と話し、警察による中国人への規制強化が原因とした。
MILAN, April 12 (Reuters) - Italian riot police clashed with hundreds of Chinese merchants in Milan on Thursday, after scuffles broke out over traffic controls in the city's busy Chinatown.

Officials said 14 police were injured and two cars were destroyed as protesters threw plastic bottles and rubbish bins at police armed with batons.

It was not clear how many protesters were injured but television footage showed several wounded.

Waving Chinese flags and placards reading "Stop violence and abuse against the Chinese community", at least 400 merchants and residents later staged a sit-in on the neighbourhood's main street, bringing traffic to a standstill.

"You just want to send away the Chinese population," one protester shouted at a police officer. "Where is Italy's humanity?"

Officials said the protest started when traffic police, who want to tighten control of commercial traffic in the area full of wholesale clothing stores, fined a driver and took away his licence because he was carrying merchant goods in a private car.

"It is not right for a violation of road regulations to cause this," Milan's mayor Letizia Moratti told a news conference. "This cannot be justified."

Protesters complained of police violence, with some saying one had been hit with the butt of a pistol. Milan's deputy mayor denied this.

Residents have repeatedly complained about the noise and traffic, urging city officials to find a more suitable location for the wholesale distributors.

The outburst sparked reaction from some political groups who called for tougher controls on immigration.

"We have seen the first real revolt by foreigners, if it continues they will do whatever they want ... and put into place the laws they want," outspoken right-wing Northern League senator Roberto Calderoli said in a statement.
for your reference;
・醜い支那人/中国人は世界中に散らばって悪いことを働く害虫である、イタリアの場合。(中日対訳記事) (iza blog/kay)。

・Riots in the Chinatown of Milan / Paolo Sarpi (3 Videos)

・Riots in the Chinatown of Milan 01:40

見よ! この醜い、穢い中國乞食の群れを!
Added April 13, 2007
From Aistulf
Even the Chinese start rioting nowadays, we're really weakened... Even the weasely Chinese are seeying that, they can smell it.
for your reference;

・the chinese in italy. news from TVB (in Cantonese) 01:53
それさえも中國乞食から見ると下記の投稿者自身のCommentの如く『f**king Italy』なんだそうである。

to dinosumAdded April 13, 2007
From dinosum
f**king Italy
for your reference;

・Milan, Italy - after the Chinese riot (in Chink Dialect) 03:27
Added April 15, 2007
From felixlamour
Provided By:felixlamour

Day after of the Chinese riot in Milan, Italy - shooted by Laowai - milankangyi.blogspot.com

【大纪元4月23日讯】(BBC记者费舍尔 罗马报导)在意大利,华人是最大的外来移民人口之一。但是最近几个星期,华人商贩和当地警察发生的冲突引起了所有各方的愤怒抗议。








for your reference;
・笑話:シナに有る物は全部偽物、金を騙し取るのだけは本物≪中国什麼都是假的,只有"騙銭"是真的≫(iza blog / k)。