・China Trafic Chaos 2 Video and another 1
・Shanghai traffic (出鱈目のやり放題走り放題) 03:34
Added: February 13, 2007
From: Groenkenfylker
As in so many Eastern countries, Chinese traffic is a story all by itself. This short shot of a busy intersection in Shanghai shows a nice piece of applied chaos theory. There ins no sound, but imagine the accompanying concerto of car horns.
Tags: China Traffic
・TRAFFIC STANDOFF IN CHINA , WHO WILL MOVE? (誰も譲らなければ走れないじゃないの?) 07:00
Added: January 17, 2007
From: AnyoneQIN
manners in China , here nobody goes anywhere or gives and in to move ...
・Vietnam traffic in Saigon scooter car 00:53
Added: March 11, 2006
From: lavilal
very busy