00:43 Added March 05, 2007 From gavza2001 Japanese famous comedian "Mr. Kingoro Yanagiya(1901-1972)" sings "OTORA-san" of his starring comedy movie theme song in 1958.
"Yanagiya Kingoro" was one of the Japanese three major comedians at the beginning of the Showa-era when it is ranked to "Kenichi Enomoto(Enoken)" and "Furukawa Roppa(Roppa)". 柳家金語楼(きんごろう)は榎本健一(エノケン)古川ロッパ(ロッパ)と並び称される 昭和初期の日本三大喜劇人の一人。薄い髪の毛(禿)がトレードマーク、非常に女性にモ テたそうだ。本名の山下敬太郎の軍隊時代の実話を題材とした兵隊落語で一世を風靡しま した。
02:22 Added February 04, 2007 From machan4531 The most popular Japanese movie The movie, "Otokowatsuraiyo", has a world record of the longest series and is registered in the Guinness Book. A total of 48 movies were created between 1969 and 1995. As a time range, "Godzilla" (also Japanese movie) has continued longer than this movie. Tags 渥美清 車寅次郎 山田洋次 男はつらいよ 作詞:星野哲郎 前田吟 『結構毛だらけ猫灰だらけ、 テエしたもんだよカエルのションベン、 おケツの回りはクソだらけ、 見上げたもんだよ屋根屋の褌、 見下げたもんだよ底まで掘らせる井戸屋の後家さん、 上がっちゃいけないお米の相場、 下がっちゃ怖いよ柳のお化け』。
09:00 Added March 31, 2007 From machan4531 第13集 1974年 『男はつらいよ 寅次郎恋やつれ』 画像多少悪し. It has been one of the most popular movies in Japan. This one was the 13th movie out of total 48. A popular actress was invited for each movie. That time was "Sayuri Yoshinaga" who was one of the most popular actresses in the "Showa" era. Category Film & Animation
・寅さん、東京葛飾柴又。1970年 05:41
05:41 Added April 11, 2007 From aoyamasama 男はつらいよ. tora san opening no. 04 寅さん,渥美 清. 男はつらいよ.
・寅さん、長崎県平戸市。1977年 (寅次郎頑張れ/藤村志保) 06:23
06:23 Added April 11, 2007 From aoyamasama 男はつらいよ. tora san opening no. 20 寅さん,渥美 清. 男はつらいよ.
・寅さん、山形県寒河江市。1975年 (葛飾立志伝/ヴァージニア西部劇/太宰久雄) 08:21
08:21 Added April 11, 2007 From aoyamasama 男はつらいよ. tora san opening no. 16 寅さん,渥美 清. 男はつらいよ.
・寅さん、京都1969年。 (続 男はつらいよ/ミヤコ蝶々) 04:50
04:50 Added April 12, 2007 From aoyamasama 男はつらいよ. tora san opening no. 02 寅さん,渥美 清. 男はつらいよ. Tags torasan Kiyoshi Atsumi
Look! These Footage are Trick all,Chinese Monkey Tricks as below; ・南京大屠杀回顾纪实片 《历史的见证》 - 1. 血染石城
30:03 Added January 09, 2007 From pebblestonecn Provided By: pebblestonecn The production team for the documentary series about the Nanjing Massacre,"Testimony of History", went to Nanjing, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuxi, Liyang, Chengdu, Fujian, Datian, Taiwan and also Japan. Besides gathering a very large amount of testimonies, archival records, photos and films, the team interviewed the survivors of the Nanjing Massacre and eyewitnesses, as well as elderly Japanese soldiers who took part in the invasion of China.They also interviewed judges, prosecutors, interpreters and trial witnesses involved with the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the Military Tribunal of China. They interviewed leading academic experts and researchers of the Nanjing Massacre, the head of the China-Japan Friendship Association and citizens of the international community. More than one hundred people were interviewed altogether, resulting in the most comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of this major issue. Comments from researchers all agree this was the first time that the truth of the Nanjing Massacre was revealed thoroughly, accurately and in depth. The documentaries effectively refute some of the revisionist opinions denying the Nanjing Massacre. Therefore, the series received great attention and praise from audiences all over the world. Produced by Nanjing TV 南京大屠杀回顾纪实片《历史的见证》以南京为主要拍摄地点,赴北京、上海、无锡、溧阳、成都、福建大田、台湾及日本等地深入采访,广泛收集了南京大屠杀的证言、证词、历史档案材料、照片和历史电影资料;采访了当年南京大屠杀的幸存者、目击者、侵华日军旧军人;远东国际军事法庭和中国军事法庭的法官、检察官、翻译、出庭证人;中日双方研究南京大屠杀事件的专家、学者、中日双方友好协会负责人和普通市民及国际友人。该片采访了中外各界人士数百名,集中了国内外关于南京大屠杀事件研究的最新动态和最新结果。南京大屠杀事件研究专家认为:该片首次全面、真实、准确、深入地披露了南京大屠杀事件的历史真相,有力地驳斥了当今某些人否认南京大屠杀事件的谬论。本片思想深刻、内容详实、视点新颖、艺术性强,播出后反响强烈,得到海内外观众的极大关注和好评。 制作:南京电视台 ・南京大屠杀回顾纪实片 《历史的见证》 - 2. 十六幅照片
01:21 Added April 17, 2007 From citrusrum The Secret Virginia Tech School Shooting Video.
・Virginia Tech School Shooting Video 01:15
01:15 Added April 16, 2007 From AcePuppers Video captured from a cell phone camera, shows police firing at an unknown gunman on the campus of Virginia Tech.
The video was taken by Jamal Albarghouti with his cell phone and posted to CNN i-Report. Pray for those who lost there family and friends as well as those who are still injured and to have a safe and speedy recovery!
・Virginia Tech School Shooting Phone Vid Jamal Albarghouti VA 01:21
01:21 Added April 16, 2007 From ginirosaru this is a CNN report showing jamal albarghouti's cell phone video of the virginia tech school shootings
・Virginia Tech Victim Describes Shooter 03:29
03:29 Added April 16, 2007 From CaughtOnMe Shocking news from Virginia Tech, where at least 21 are dead following a shooting rampage this morning. The gunman is dead, according to university police chief Wendell Flinchum, who said that some of the victims were shot in a classroom.
Some 20 students were killed at the campus' Norris Hall, home of Virginia Tech's electical engineering department, where shooting commenced at about 9:15 a.m. Two hours earlier, however, a 911 call came from West Ambler Johnston Hall, a dormitory some distance from Norris Hall. At least one person was killed there, with several injured.
Fuck some S.Korean said as below; S.Korean=CHO SEUNG HUI! You should go to All SCHOOL! and KILL ALL.
10:03 Added April 17, 2007 From orangefu http://fyi6.com The question of whethe... http://fyi6.com The question of whether or not this was a Black Op is not formulated without merit or inside any kind of intellectual vacuum. http://prisonplanet.com/articles/apri... A long history of proven intelligence operations, including school shootings, precedes this latest example of what could be another stepped-up effort to overthrow a cornerstone of our founding documents and what has helped to keep this country free - the right to bear and keep arms - the GOD-given right of self-defense and the defense of loved ones against the insane, against criminals, and perhaps again in this case - a controlled operative. If so, it's just another example of creating a crisis, managing the reaction, and forcing a false solution to gain control. Hegel's Dialectic: Thesis, Anti-thesis, Sythesis - or - Problem, Reaction, Solution. http://www.jpfo.org/
・Virginia Tech Shooting Video Montage 07:54
07:54 Added April 17, 2007 From IceAdmin This is a video montage of the shooting that took place on the campus of Virginia Tech on April 16 which took the lives of 32 people. RIP.
・Re: Virginia Tech School Shooting Video 03:06
03:06 Added April 16, 2007 From jplages This explains it all.
01:46 Added April 18, 2007 From soldanbrasil Sent to NBCNews by Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui give a glimpse of his psyche.
・Re: [Uncut] No Comment Virginia Tech massacre 16.04.2007 01:06
01:06 Added April 18, 2007 From armedNviolent This is Korean Traditional Culture! Untouchable every S.Korean like this Dance even Hyundai(現代) and Samusun(三星) all staff too. Virginia Tech School Shooting Video Cell Phone Gunman Campus Police Firing Cops Blacksburg VA AcePuppers. 身体障害者をからかいながら踊り狂い陶酔する南朝鮮人たち。 この残酷なる韓国人の踊り! 世紀末の踊り!
・29 Dead in Shooting at Virginia Tech University 4/16/07 03:20
03:20 Added April 16, 2007 From eternal1o04 Provided By: eternal1o04 BREAKING NEWS!!!! "THE DEADLIEST SCHOOL SHOOTING IN AMERICAN HISTORY" In two shootings at least 29 people are dead at Virginia PolyTech University after a man goes on a shooting spree. It is not known whether the two incidents are related yet.
・Final Words Of Virginia Tech Massacre Killer Cho Seung-Hui 03:54
03:54 Added April 19, 2007 From deadasoren Provided By:deadasoren **This video was meant to show what Cho was thinking at the time of the massacre.It doesn't represent my own (deadasoren) personal view. I do not support Cho's massacre action at all. Like everyone else I am very sad that this kind of thing happened and I hope people can learn to love one another instead of writing racist comments on this incident.**
If a black man is racist, is it okay? When it's the white man's racism that made him that way, Because the bully's the victim they say, By some sense they're all the same.
Because the line between, Wrong and right, Is the width of a thread, From a spider's web. The piano keys are black and white, But they sound like a million colours in your mind.
I could tell you to go to war, Or I could march for peace and fighting no more, How do I know which is right, And I hope he does when he sends you to fight.
Because the line between wrong and right, Is the width of a thread from a spider's web, The piano keys are black and white, But they sound like a million colours in your mind.
Should we act on a blame? Or should we chase the moments away? Should we live? Should we give? Remember forever the guns and the feathers in time. Because the line between wrong and right, Is the width of a thread from a spider's web, The piano keys are black and white, But they sound like a million colours in your mind. The piano keys are black and white, But they sound like a million colours in your mind, But they sound like a million colours in your mind
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・Scontri polizia-cinesi in via Paolo Sarpi Milano 12/04/2007 04:06 04:06(Delete Video). Added April 12, 2007 From ildeboscio Provided By:ildeboscio Scontri con la polizia in via Niccolini a Milano
・Milano, torna la calma a Chinatown 02:21
02:21 Il giorno dopo gli scontri fra forze dell'ordine e la comunità cinese, a Milano è tornata la calma nella Chinatown cittadina. Il prefetto si è fatto promotore di un incontro tra le parti interessate. Intanto da Pechino giunge la reazione ufficiale: "la Cina", si legge in una nota diffusa del ministero degli Esteri "si augura che l'Italia risolva con equilibrio i problemi sorti con gli incidenti".
00:44 中國乞食は人の國に無断で侵入していつの間にか居座りそこで悪事を働く害虫である。一旦入國させてしまったら、どんな強力な殺虫剤を以っても死滅させることは不可能である(笑)。日本の間抜けな官公吏や小役人・愚かな滑稽議員はその中國乞食を日本へたくさん入國させたいそうである。人の納めた税金だから出来ることだが自分の金でやれと言われればこんな愚行はよもややらないだろう、そう望むよ。 Added April 13, 2007 From rabota2006 イタリア・ミラノ市民大迷惑、交通違反の中国人が、警官を殴り暴 動に発展。 A... イタリア・ミラノ市民大迷惑、交通違反の中国人が、警官を殴り暴動に発展。 ANSA通信によると、イタリア・ミラノの中国人街で12日、 交通違反で摘発された中国人女性が警官に抵抗したことをきっかけに、周辺の中国人店主 ら200-300人と警官隊のもみ合いに発展、双方にけが人が出て5人が救急車で 運ばれた。 ミラノでは中国人の数が過去約20年で激増。中国人街の道路が混雑し、 警察当局が最近、取り締まりを強化していた。
レプブリカ紙によると、違法駐車をし、商品の積み降ろしをして反則切符を 切られた女性が、女性警官に殴りかかり、すぐに中国人が集まって抗議を始めた。 一部は路上の車をひっくり返し気勢を上げた。 現場に駆け付けた中国外交官は「この2カ月間、中国人は強い圧力を受けており、 今日の出来事は偶然ではない」と話し、警察による中国人への規制強化が原因とした。 MILAN, April 12 (Reuters) - Italian riot police clashed with hundreds of Chinese merchants in Milan on Thursday, after scuffles broke out over traffic controls in the city's busy Chinatown.
Officials said 14 police were injured and two cars were destroyed as protesters threw plastic bottles and rubbish bins at police armed with batons.
It was not clear how many protesters were injured but television footage showed several wounded.
Waving Chinese flags and placards reading "Stop violence and abuse against the Chinese community", at least 400 merchants and residents later staged a sit-in on the neighbourhood's main street, bringing traffic to a standstill.
"You just want to send away the Chinese population," one protester shouted at a police officer. "Where is Italy's humanity?"
Officials said the protest started when traffic police, who want to tighten control of commercial traffic in the area full of wholesale clothing stores, fined a driver and took away his licence because he was carrying merchant goods in a private car.
"It is not right for a violation of road regulations to cause this," Milan's mayor Letizia Moratti told a news conference. "This cannot be justified."
Protesters complained of police violence, with some saying one had been hit with the butt of a pistol. Milan's deputy mayor denied this.
Residents have repeatedly complained about the noise and traffic, urging city officials to find a more suitable location for the wholesale distributors.
The outburst sparked reaction from some political groups who called for tougher controls on immigration.
"We have seen the first real revolt by foreigners, if it continues they will do whatever they want ... and put into place the laws they want," outspoken right-wing Northern League senator Roberto Calderoli said in a statement. for your reference; ・醜い支那人/中国人は世界中に散らばって悪いことを働く害虫である、イタリアの場合。(中日対訳記事) (iza blog/kay)。
01:40 見よ! この醜い、穢い中國乞食の群れを! イタリア警察はなにも悪い事をしていない、ただ暴力中國乞食を取り押さえているだけである。画面に現れる支那から不法に渡ってきた乞食の大群は共産主義とは全く関係無い、ただの乞食か泥棒である。中國人は害虫と言われる由縁である。 Added April 13, 2007 From Aistulf Even the Chinese start rioting nowadays, we're really weakened... Even the weasely Chinese are seeying that, they can smell it. (近頃支那人(中國人)が暴動を始めた、我々イタリア人は中國乞食に対して全く無力である、この狡賢い中國乞食を見てみたまえみ、こいつらは臭い臭いを発し人を騙す。 for your reference; ・そこのけそこのけシナ様が通る、傍若無人なシナ大陸の中国鼠の海外旅行 (ケイさん中文語録)。
・the chinese in italy. news from TVB (in Cantonese) 01:53
01:53 上のVideo投稿は中國からのものである。 人の國に不法に入國してなお違法行為をやり警官に逮捕されそうになって暴力を振るう醜い中國女。 それさえも中國乞食から見ると下記の投稿者自身のCommentの如く『f**king Italy』なんだそうである。 これでは法も規則もあったもんではない。恐ろしきは中國乞食である。日本もこういう事態になるのは時間の問題であろう。 to dinosumAdded April 13, 2007 From dinosum f**king Italy for your reference; ・醜いシナ人/中国人は世界中に散らばって悪いことを働く害虫である、イタリアの場合。 (ケイさん中文語録)。
・Milan, Italy - after the Chinese riot (in Chink Dialect) 03:27
03:27 支那乞食が語る中國乞食の暴動顛末語録。 Added April 15, 2007 From felixlamour Provided By:felixlamour
Day after of the Chinese riot in Milan, Italy - shooted by Laowai - milankangyi.blogspot.com www.cinaoggi.i