
・北京早點攤用廢紙箱作包子餡 (北京の豚肉饅頭はダンボール紙で造る) 北京語 & 日本語 全 2 Videos

・北京早點攤用廢紙箱作包子餡 (北京の豚肉饅頭はダンボール紙で造る) 北京語 10:00

提供: guoruo
加入: 2007-07-11 19:42:23
長度: 10分
簡介: 北京早點攤用廢紙箱作包子餡 北京早點攤用廢紙箱作包子餡
類別: 新聞与評論
關鍵字: 包子

・视频:日本媒体报导北京纸做的包子 05:59


・子犬に風船を付けて飛ばす犬風女のニュース (下賎な鮮匪・鮮人 Cluelty Korean) 01:47

Added: September 13, 2006
From: aokiss
Category News & Politics
Tags: 子犬 風船 犬風女 韓国

・恐るべき中国 part1 (下賎な支那人) 04:59

Added: September 17, 2006
From: kisaragijirou
Provided By:
中国がオーソトラリアで行った、ある活動の詳細報道。ここ数年テレビニュースを見ない ので知らなかったが、「恐るべし中国」という、印象しか持てない。また中国政府に圧力 を加えられたのか、オーストラリア政府の対応も不可思議な点があるようだ。
Category News & Politics
Tags: 中国 China 人権 法輪功 弾圧 spy スパイjavascript:void(0)

・「週間金曜日」主催の集会(水島総) (在日の下賎な鮮人・鮮匪一覧) 他 1 Video

・「週間金曜日」主催の集会(水島総) (在日の下賎な鮮人・鮮匪一覧) 03:24

Added: December 05, 2006
From: HantoKaero
在日 朝鮮人 左翼 芸人 週間金曜日 反日は朝鮮人 石坂啓 永六輔 中山千夏 落合恵子 佐高信 椎名誠 筑紫哲也 本多勝一 石倉直樹 チャンネル桜 報道ワイド日本 水島総

・傍若無人な「在日本朝鮮人中央大会」(H19.3.5) 09:31
Added: March 05, 2007
From: TubuseCult4
【平成19年3月3日 日比谷公園野外音楽堂】
Category News & Politics
Tags: 反日は朝鮮人 敗戦利得者 朝鮮総連 在日本朝鮮人中央大会 チャンネル桜 報道ワイド日本 井尻千男 大高未貴 前田有一

・【中国産品的危険】中国の「段ボール紙詰め肉まん工場」にテレビカメラが潜入 01 & 02(Mandarin Chinese)

・【中国産品的危険】中国の「段ボール紙詰め肉まん工場」にテレビカメラが潜入 01 08:47

Added: July 11, 2007
From: the3rdcountrypersonu
報道によると、段ボール紙入りの肉まんを販売していたのは、同市朝陽区の複数の露店。段ボール紙を劇物のカセイソーダ(水酸化ナトリウム)の溶液に浸して黒っぽく変色させ、さらに煮込んで柔らかくした上で豚肉と混ぜ合わせ、肉まんの中身にしていた。市当局者が関係者を取り調べている。販売数、健康被害の有無は不明。露店関係者は同テレビに「段ボール紙と豚肉の比率は約6対4。住民、出勤途中の勤め人らが買っていた」と説明 した。
Category News & Politics
Tags: China-Free インチキ 中国 反日政策 反日教育 捏造 毒野菜 江沢民 胡錦濤

・【中国産品的危険】中国の「段ボール紙詰め肉まん工場」にテレビカメラが潜入~摘発 02 08:35
Added: July 11, 2007
From: the3rdcountrypersonu

・北京肉包,废纸作馅 (北京ブタ肉饅頭はダンボール箱の廃棄紙で造る) 2 Videos

Chinese Scam 北京黒心猪餡包子只有宁吞口水不愿冒险Chinese Scam 北京黒心猪包子 只有宁吞口水不愿冒险。

・北京肉包,废纸作馅 (北京ブタ肉饅頭はダンボール箱の廃棄紙で造る)北京語 02:35
Added: July 11, 2007
From: donauya
在北京朝阳区,有黑加工点居然用废纸箱做成了包子馅,再加一丁点肥肉,一笼笼喷香的小 笼包就在街边出售了。
Category News & Politics
Tags: 北京 奸商 肉包

・不法商人以紙箱作包子肉餡 (広東語) 01:01
Added: July 11, 2007
From: fct01233210
不法商人以紙箱作包子肉餡 2007-07-11 18:43:06

北京朝陽區一個早點攤擋,隨處也可以看到檔販用來做包點的肉餡,記者發現,肉餡內有一些很韌的東西,追查之下,發現他們是由一個肉餡工場入貨的,那些肉餡原來是用紙皮箱製成,他們先把紙皮箱浸軟,再用刀切碎,加入肥豬肉及一些豬肉香精,就變成肉餡。工場負 責人表示,那些肉餡蒸熟後,不容易察覺有問題。


(主播:劉家業 張宏艷) (記者:林美嫦)
Category News & Politics
Tags: 有線電視 新聞台 Cable TV News Channel 9 北京 朝陽區 紙箱 小籠包 肉餡


・New Chinese Ballistic Missile Submarine Spotted

New Chinese Ballistic Missile Submarine Spotted By Hans M. Kristensen

A new satellite image appears to have captured China's new ballistic missile submarine. Coordinates: 38°49'4.40"N, 121°29'39.82"E.

A commercial satellite image appears to have captured China's new nuclear ballistic missile submarine. The new class, known as the Jin-class or Type 094, is expected to replace the unsuccessful Xia-class (Type 092) of a single boat built in the early 1980s.

The new submarine was photographed by the commercial Quickbird satellite in late 2006 and the image is freely available on the Google Earth web site.

A Comparison of SSBN Dimensions

Two satellite images are now available (see figure below) that clearly show two missile submarines with different dimensions. One image from 2005 shows what is believed to be the Xia-class (Type 092) SSBN in drydock at the Jianggezhuang Submarine Base approximately 14 miles east of Qingdao. The submarine is approximately 390 feet (120 meters) long of which the missile compartment makes up roughly 80 feet (25 meters). Twelve missile launch tubes are clearly visible.

The second image from late 2006 shows what appears to be the new Jin-class (Type 094) SSBN moored at the Xiaopingdao Submarine Base south of Dalian, approximately 193 miles north of Qingdao. The Jin-class appears to be approximately 35 feet (10 meters) longer than the Xia-class SSBN, primarily due to an extended mid-section of approximately 115 feet (35 meters) that houses the missile launch tubes and part of the reactor compartment.

These two commercial satellite images of the old Xia-class SSBN (top) and the new Jin-class SSBN show the different major compartments. The Jin-class appears to be approximately 35 feet (10 meters) longer with an extended missile compartment. Both images view the submarines from a "eye-altitude" of approximately 500 feet (152 meters).

The extended missile compartment of the Jin-class seems seems intended to accommodate the Julang-2 sea-launched ballistic missile, which is larger than the Julang-1 deployed on the Xia-class. Part of the extension may also be related to the size of the reactor compartment. The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimated in 2004 that the Jin-class, like the Xia-class, will have 12 missiles launch tubes (see figure below). Other non-governmental sources frequently claim the submarine will have 16 tubes. The satellite image is not of high enough resolution to show the hatches to the missile launch tubes.

The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimated in 2004 (bottom) that the Jin-class SSBN would have 12 missiles.

The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimated in December 2006 that China might build five Jin-class SSBNs. The estimate has been widely cited by non-governmental institutes and some news media as a fact, but the Pentagon's annual report on China's military forces from May 2007 did not repeat the estimate.

Background: Chinese Nuclear Forces and US Nuclear War Planning | Pentagon Report Ignores Five SSBN Projection