
・神風特別攻撃隊員の遺書から 03:47


About This Video
to UjikintokiAdded May 07, 2006
From Ujikintoki
Testament that Kamikaze attack member left
神風特別攻撃隊の特集 。
In the last stage of World War 2, the Japanese military developed a suicidal attack unit called the Special attack force. The Japanese pilots would attempt to crash their planes into the enemy target knowing full well that they would not return. They were not brainwashed or insane. They died to defend their country and family. I am deeply grateful to these heroic soldiers and I pray their souls may rest in peace.

※植村眞久海軍大尉に ついて
ttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp /~un3k-mn/sinpu-uemura.htm


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